I am fortunate to be Governor at Sidegate Primary school in Ipswich, it really is a school that is looking to the future with a dynamic teaching staff.
The Labour Government has made an improvement in education one of it's key policies and many of Labour's initiatives can be seen bearing fruit at Sidegate School - The last two years has seen almost constant building programme as we have seen an improvement to the school buildings and classrooms.
The latest project will see a new complex open for Cabin Crew and Little Acorns, both operate from the Sidegate School site, both organisations have raised funds to help with the building of the new pavilion, but most of the money comes from a grant from the County Council- through a Government led policy, Sidegate is now one of the best examples of the Labour Governments extended School's Initiative.
Sidegate has also re-launched it's website, and I have even managed to get my picture on it here!