Saturday, 21 January 2012

My week ahead 23 - 29 January 2012

Monday 23 January 6pm - Labour Group meeting

Tuesday 24 January 5pm - Sidegate Primary School Steering Group
6pm - Culture and Leisure working group

Wednesday 25 January 6pm - Ipswich Borough Council- Full Council Meeting, Endeavour House

Thursday 26 January 5pm - Sidegate Primary School Finance Meeting

Saturday 27 January 10.30am - Labour Campaigning, North Ipswich

This week I seem to have spent most of my time in meetings and next week seems the same but not all bad as one of those meetings last week has had a positive outcome and it looks like we have found a number of residents keen enough to get a Youth club for teenagers up and running on Rushmere Estate.

On Thursday at the Scrutiny meeting we also heard some 'good news' as we were given the details of the joint Ipswich Borough Council/Ipswich Police project to help solve our 'Street drinker' problem.

I am sure most of you will have noticed that there seems to be fewer street drinkers in the town centre area with the old Odeon site now clear of them. the team works at trying to help the drinkers which then helps all of us in the town.

47 street drinkers have been identified and a number of them have now entered rehab- I left the meeting concerned that people are drawn into these chaotic lifestyles but also lifted by the fantastic work being done by the Council staff and the police.

Many of these drinkers actually started at the age of 13 and that is why the Council is also involved in parenting projects, trouble is for all the efforts of the Borough Council and charity organisations we are held back as the Tory run County Council continues to cut back on its social care programme.


Anonymous said...

fewer street drinkers not 'less' and its social care programme not it's

Anonymous said...

Actually Anonymous 'less' is also grammatically correct but you're right about 'its'

I don't think telling people how to write is a problem but I do have a problem with socialists wanting to tell parents how to bring up their children.