Rosehill Library - under threat from our own Mrs Terry
The Tories (with the help of the Lib Dems) seem to be on a crusade against the youth of today. So many of the first Tory cuts seem to be aimed at the youngest in our community - EMA, Building schools for the Future, Explore Card, Road Crossing patrols and now libraries. The Tory run Borough council in Ipswich also seems to want to get in on the act with Maidenhall Sports Centre also under threat.
It seems a systematic attack on the youth of today by National Government, the County Council and Ipswich Borough Council.
I was amazed during my time in Afghanistan in 2009 by the bravery shown by many British soldiers, many of them under the age of 20, and it is that same youth the Tories now want to attack. It is good to see youngsters not just siiting back but organising peaceful protests in Ipswich and this Saturday will see another protest march from the Regent to the New Wolsey in Ipswich.
The Tories may seem to not care but we have seen here in Rushmere Ward, Ipswich that the public are very upset that the Road Crossing Patrols outside our schools will be removed (or already have been as in our Ward, outside Sidegate Primary school). They might have just gone one cut too far this time with their latest plan - shutting Suffolk libraries.
This is an attack on all our communities, but it is mainly the young, the old, the unemployed that use and rely on the Suffolk Library Service. The Tories and the Lib Dems on the Ipswich Borough Council cry out that we should not blame them as it is Cameron's government or the County Council that are imposing these cuts but it is Mrs Terry our own Tory Borough Councilor in Rushmere Ward, Ipswich who is the person responsible for the Library service in Suffolk, ask her when she knocks on your door before the election - 'why is she shutting Rosehill Library?'
You may have heard about the attempt to shut the Stoney Stratford Library in Milton Keynes by the Lib Dem run council (see here), this led to the locals drawing out all the books in the library on Saturday, causing the campaign to save that library even to be mentioned in the news media in New York.

No books left in Stoney Stratford
So Mrs Terry, we will fight you as you attempt to close Suffolk Libraries, in particular the Rosehill Library in Tomline Road, Ipswich. The Nazis burnt books, the Tories (and Lib Dems) just aim to hide them!
Anything the tories do is better than attacking the old by raiding pensions and closing post offices isn't it?
Our senior citizens are the biggest user of the Library service, age is not a barrier to learning, the same Suffolk tories also want to make it harder for senior citizens to use their free bus pass (introduced by Labour) and the care homes of Ipswich - Crabbe Street are also under threat, starts with the young, then the oldest, who will be next?
Remember these are the decisions of the County Tories, Alasdair. The Liberal Democrats are the main opposition party at SCC, as you are aware. It's not the government deciding on the closure of libraries, but the council's who have libraries in their remit.
I am opposed to the closure of any library.
But the Liob Dems are helping the Tories retain control in Ipswich and that means Ipswich will not be able to take on the services the County Tories are cutting.
In Milton Keynes - it is a Lib dem Council that is shutting libraries
so Alasdair are you saying that Ipswich Labour will take on all the services the County Council is cutting in Ipswich?
Which services? And how are you going to pay for it?
As we are not even able too see the Ipswich Borough council budget, we are not even how much of the reserves are being used - and what for, if we did, we would be able to suggest where savings could be made and which services we could assist with
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