In the past I have featured articles by 'Country Standard' a blog on Rural Socialism and from the same stable I have been recommended 'hayes peoples history' - this blog is focused on the history of the Labour movement in Middlesex but has plenty of interest to those with an interest in left wing history from wherever in the country you live. It also has plenty on military history and the links with the Labour movement (another pet subject of mine)
The article I found a great read was 'Clarion Movement - Football not Cannonballs' about the Clarion Club , more famous for cycling but I now find from this article also had a football team that played matched in Paris and Moscow before the Second World War

The Clarion Cycling club was formed in the 1890's and Tom Groom one of the founders wrote - " The Clarion cyclist is a Socialist utilising his cycle for the combined purposes of pleasure and propaganda"
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