Monday, 13 August 2007

Not John Gummer but his son!!

The Ipswich Conservative Party have followed a number of other Tory constituency Party's by deciding to choose their parliamentary candidate for Ipswich in "American" style "Primary"
Large full page adverts in the two local papers tells us that anyone can register to attend and vote- you don't even need to be a member of the Conservative Party.
Sounds very democratic, though the adverts were only in the papers on Saturday and the Primary is this Thursday.
You have to apply to attend- and I have put my name down- I will not vote.
There are four candidates- two women and two men, the most experienced candidate (a woman) has no local connection, two of the other candidates come from Norfolk and then we have the local boy.
Ben Gummer- son of John (MP for neighbouring Suffolk Coastal) I think it was Ben's sister who was fed the burger by her father to prove there was no such thing as 'Mad Cow's Disease',but from Ben's website we can see he likes to have his picture taken and looks like he will be popular with the media. we will see on Thursday if we like Felixstowe, will be stuck with a Gummer!

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