I have been quite critical of the way Ipswich Borough Council (led by the Tories) has seemed to fail to grasp the opportunities that the Olympics in 2012 can offer Ipswich.
Our proximity to Stratford, and direct rail link means we are in a fantastic position to make the most of the Olympics. But at last weeks Scrutiny meeting, my questioning of Cllr Atkins (the Lib Dem lead on Economic Development) showed that we are not ready to make the most economically of our proximity to the Olympic venue.
Sporting wise, we have a number of smaller nations ready to arrive in Ipswich, but again it does seem we did not have the drive to go for one of the larger nations.
It is not all bad news, I am sure that certain Council departments will make the most of 2012, and we will see a number of sporting opportunity's offered to Ipswich residents as part of the games build up and also part of the 'Olympic legacy'. this is even more important now as we see the Condem Government make cuts to the school sports programme and in Ipswich the Condems are looking to close at least one of our sports centres.
This week, I received a pamphlet from the Council, 'Artathon' which combines fitness and culture, a number of walking, running or cycling routes that enable those participating to see up to 47 pieces of public art within the town. This is a fantastic link up between sport, and art. So good that it has been given the 2012 Olympic 'Inspire' mark.

The pamphlet is worth getting hold of, it will not matter how long you have lived in the town but I am sure you will not have seen all 47 pieces before and even those you have seen, you probably are not aware who created the work of art or what inspired them.
The 47 pieces are all over the town, from the football ground, to the town centre, right up to Ravenswood. There is only one piece I know of that could have been added and that is the wall outside the Ipswich Prep school ( a certain Tory blogger, would expect me to say that)in Ivry Street, that features a timeline of the history of the town. So get hold of the booklet and walk or run one of the routes, The map
has five rings linked loosely to the five Olympic rings to tie into London 2012.
So get to see and know more about 'Tam' near Black Horse Lane, most of us may have seen this statue but how many have seen the Foxgrove Band Gates on Foxhall Road?

So well done to Ipswich Borough Council, at least something is being done in the town to enable us all to enjoy the 2012 games being in London.
You can view the 'Artathon' pamphlet here
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