Local Tory blogs have had a go at me for mentioning how long it took Ben Gummer to open his office, some of what I wrote may have been tongue in cheek, but I am sure that the amount of casework for Mr Gummer will have increased now that he has an office in the town centre.
My own case work mainly comes after I have given out leaflets with my contact details on, very little comes from Grafton House or via my council e mail.
It does make me wonder how much case work councilors have who never deliver a leaflet, maybe I should ask some of the Lib Dem Cllrs on the Borough Council?
Nowadays it is very easy to set up a website or a blog and the cost is not high, in most cases blogs are free, and I am sure they are a great way to get your message across and also to get feed back from residents, this is where Ben Gummer is letting down his constituents, his website has been down since mid October- with the by line - of 'My website is currently being redeveloped and will be back online within a fortnight.' - See here
Well, a fortnight was 14 days when I was at school not over 100 days.
As Blinky Ben MP puts it:
Blinky Ben, Ipswich MP (Mini Person)
No job too small
Website very nearly finished
People of Ipswich,
Ben currently has the builders in to sort out his website. Ben was promised that it would be finished by the end of the week, and here we are months later. Promises, eh?
Some of the local political party's are as bad, the Lib Dems have had 2 posts up since June at least the local Tories are attempting to get their site up and running, even if there is not a link to the Ben Gummer MP site. Ipswich Labour Party has kept their site up to date, with good links that allow constituents to contact their local councillor.
But don't worry, while we wait for Ben Gummer MP to get his site up to date (back in a fortnight) Blink Ben MP has come in to fill in the gap, so you can now see when Ben has his next surgery and also see where he has been in Ipswich - well done Blinky Ben!
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