Labour councillors on Ipswich Borough Council have published proposals which could save every threatened library and school crossing patrol in Ipswich.
In an amendment to the council's budget, Labour are proposing to stop the introduction of “locality” budgets which would see all councillors given £5,000 “spending money” – at a total cost of £240,000.
Instead, Labour is proposing that the money is spent on:
1. Staffing costs of the 15 currently active lollipop patrols in Ipswich
2. The “direct” costs (staffing and supplies) for the threatened Ipswich branch libraries
3. Minimising future cuts and council tax rises
Labour's amendment will enable Suffolk County Council to significantly reduce the running cost of these services while keeping them professionally staffed. It will save the council redundancy costs and avoid adding to local unemployment numbers.
Labour's proposals can be implemented while maintaining the level of council tax proposed by the council.
Councillors will vote on these proposals at a meeting on Wednesday 23rd February.
Labour Leader David Ellesmere, pictured outside Rosehill Library with Ipswich Lollipop Lady, Sally Hawkes, said: “We can’t promise to save everything that the Government is cutting, but this shows Labour is standing up for Ipswich. Our proposals will protect jobs, protect our children's safety and protect our local libraries.”
While every effort to save libraries is to be applauded, I wonder if you have fully considered the issue of "double taxation". This arises where a service is delegated or devolved from a pinciple local authority without sufficient funding being passed over. It is known that county council officers have considered this matter.
We will have to work with the County, but it is strange the Officers are saying that, but at the same time Cllrs are stating that Parish and District councils should take over services -There is no doubt that when it comes to School Crossing Patrols, the Tories do not have a clue - so far they have asked schools, Parish councils, Locality budgets, anyone who will take it over - then the Officers, say they can't
Alasdair, as I've already mentioned on Ipswich Spy, the Labour group of Ipswich is living in cloud cuckoo land. It is commendable that you want to take over County Council services. But at the cost of the funding the Borough gives to a number of charities and voluntary groups? Your group's hilarious and downright ridiculous manifesto will be bad for the town and coast a fortune. Though it's nice to see some Lib Dem policy within it. I also notice that your bringing County and national issues into the borough agenda. Is this how desperate you and your colleagues are, by confusing and exploiting the electorate? I have an application form a decent party should you wish to stop being privy to liars!
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