Sunday, 26 February 2012

My week ahead 27 February - 4 March 2012

Monday 27th February 4pm - Culture Portfolio meeting at Grafton House
6pm - Labour Group meeting

Wednesday 29th February 6pm - Ipswich Borough Council, Full Council Meeting

Thursday 1st March 5pm - Rushmere Youth Club - planning meeting

Friday 2nd March 7pm - St Helens School quiz night

Saturday 3rd March 10.30am - Labour campaigning in East Ipswich

This week will see our budget discussed and voted on at the Full Council meeting, we hope that this budget will lead to Ipswich Borough Council starting to build council homes again. It will also see money put into helping get more investment and jobs in the town. We have managed to put these initiatives into the budget whilst still freezing Council Tax.

But do not expect the Ipswich Tories to congratulate us, instead expect some stupid stunt and claims that they would have reduced council tax ( by cutting more services, selling anything they can off and making more staff redundant)

Wednesday night could see an interesting debate in the Council Chamber.

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