Sunday, 5 February 2012

My week ahead 6 - 12 February 2012

Monday 6th February 6pm - Labour Group meeting

Saturday 11th February 10.30am - Labour campaigning, East Ipswich

This week the Labour Group will continue to look at out planned budget for 2012/13 - we understand that these are hard times for Ipswich residents but also know that we can't rely on this Tory/Lib Dem Government to help with kick starting our local economy. We aim to help the Ipswich economy plus follow through with our plans to start building new council houses in Ipswich.

Good news this week for Rushmere Ward, with a good first meeting of the new management committee for the proposed Youth Club for Rushmere Estate behind us. we now want to hear what the teenagers want. The local police team will have their info pod set up by the Selkirk Road shops on Wednesday the 15th February, so we can ask teenagers what they want from their youth club.

Not so good news is that Greene King have put in a second planning application to turn the Golden Key on Woodbridge Road into a shop, other than a couple of extra windows there seems little change to the original plan that was thrown out last year. No thought seems to have been put into solving the congestion problems that a store would produce.

I will be asking local residents for their views on the subject.

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