Wednesday 7th March, 2pm - Campaigning in Ipswich
7pm - Fabians AGM
Thursday 8th March, 7pm - Mayor of Ipswich Charity Quiz
Friday 9th March, 5pm - Labour Campaign meeting
Saturday 10th March, 10.30am - Labour Campaigning in West Ipswich
This week we put forward our budget to Full Council, as expected the Tories put forward an amendment proposing a 3% Council Tax cut. It was a cheap stunt and if it had gone through would have seen £140,00 taken from Public transport, more staff made redundant at Ipswich Borough council and most scandalously handing over the HEARS service to Suffolk County Council.
Showing yet again that the Tories have no wish to help the young, the old or the poor.
The Lib Dems seemed to have learnt something off the Tories, they just now abstain or allow Cllr Lockington the opportunity to show that she has no clue to what is going on beyond the leafy ward of St Margaret's.
The week finished yesterday in style with a great session meeting residents in Rushmere and St Johns. then the surprise of returning to the Golden Key for a beer before football. The surprise? We found in the car park, Ben Gummer and 3 Tory Cllrs having their picture taken - Ben Gummer has already written a letter stating that the pub should not be turned into a store. Has Cllr Terry now joined him (and Ipswich Labour) in supporting local residents? If so will Cllr Terry declare an interest when the planning application is debated at the next planning committee?
More to the point Alasdair, will Carole Jones declare that prejudicial interest? And if she does this time, why didn't she last time?
She has stated her case, if Tories so concerned why not take case to Standards? Maybe concerned that they will be asked why did they all abstain?
Noticed on your latest Golden Key post that it does not indicate who wrote the article, any reason why not?
Cllr Lockington doesn't have clue to what is going on beyond the leafy ward of St Margaret's? That's rather generous of you Alasdair. Do you really think she has a clue what is going on beyond the North side of the Westerfield Road Roundabout?
Hi Alasdair,
Off topic, so not really a blog comment, sorry, couldn't find an email, although I haven't done a thorough search. I am Nigel Paul (formerly Nigel Flurrie). St Helen's School class mate and a chance meeting one night where we went to the Ist Floor Club? If you're not who I think you are then apologies. If you are, be nice to catch up with you.
Remenber you well- email me
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