Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Bad news for the Golden Key

Just heard in the last hour (lunchtime - 4th September) that Greene King have won their appeal on the decision by Ipswich Borough Council to refuse them planning permission on their application to demolish part of the Golden Key pub and turn the site into a small retail outlet

This was the final decision by the Inspector:

The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for the part
demolition of the existing buildings, a change of use to Class A1 (Retail), the
installation of an ATM facility, the erection of an extension and alterations to
the elevations, with associated parking and servicing and other associated
works at The Golden Key, 438 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich IP4 4EN in
accordance with the terms of the application, Ref IP/12/00074/FUL, dated
20 January 2012, subject to the conditions in the appended schedule.

Even though the inspector acknowledges his visit took place outside school term he does not believe there will be increased traffic in Woodbridge Road because of the development. I am sure all of those who live near would disagree.

I also feel sorry for all the local residents who put in so much hard work to campaign against this proposal, not sure what the next step is as I have only just read the inspectors letter.

The council listened to residents and refused permission, but I am afraid that in the end it is an inspector from Bristol who has the final say.

Cllr Alasdair Ross

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This absolutely stinks and makes me feel so angry. So much for democracy and for empowering local residents to have more say in the decision making process. The planning application was seriously flawed in its supporting evidence, those involved should have been reported to their respective professional bodies to account for their biased and un-objective studies in my view. This will totally ruin the peace of this otherwise pleasant area to live. I also worry about safety with the inevitable increases in traffic and particularly in the evenings (the area is very quiet after the usual evening rush hour) as well as potential social disorder issues, as well as the impact on other local businesses (and yes that does include the Co-op who generally support local communities and unlike most companies are guided by their ethical principles rather than pure profit).
What also stinks is the way some commentators have tried to turn this into a partisan political witch hunt and tried to use this to discredit Labour councillors, who in my view have only sought to represent the actual views of local residents. Something the proponents of the application have not given a moments thought to. No idea if it is true but having a planning appeal passed by someone in Bristol....the mind boggles.