Saturday 18 June 2011

Needs to check his facts- again!

The Tory supporting blog - 'A Riverside View' seems to have decided that when it comes to blogging - it's quantity not quality that counts. The loser in all this? The true facts!

I and others seemed to spend most of our time commenting on his posts, not just trying to put the Labour view across but also just to inform Kevin that he had got his facts wrong. But once it was obvious he had lost the argument he would just revert to abuse. I have decided just not to bother with commenting on his blog anymore, so what does he do? He now actually has a post named 'The Stupid things Alasdair Ross has said this week'

Now again, some would say best just to ignore him but the trouble is, Ipswich residents may come across his blog and believe his posts are factual, (I am not on about the posts about me - they are just make me laugh)but the posts on serious matters - Ipswich Mosques, Street Lights are just two posts recently that are full of misleading statements and seem based more on rumours that the truth.

We have his usual practice of copying his mentor at 'Bridge Ward News' so going from saying how good the Sky Ride was, he then joins Mr Spencer in criticising the date of the event. Now, sorry to disappoint you Kevin, it takes more than a few weeks to plan the Sky Ride. Now I would like to take the credit for the event but it was planned under the Tory administration. We will try and improve the event in the future and more notice of the road closures is one improvement we aim to pursue next year. We are now aware that certain dates are better than other but if you want to moan about why that date was chosen- speak to your own Tory Cllrs. They chose the date.

Then we come to the post where he really is trying to fool the Ipswich public. The plan to switch off some of the street lights in the town between midnight and dawn. Kevin seems to think it is up to us the Labour administration - wrong.
There are over 16.000 street lights in Ipswich and over 15,000 are owned by the Tory County Council. Last October the Tory Cabinet decided to implement a plan to turn off lights. the scheme will start in Ipswich then spread out all over Suffolk. Now Ipswich Borough Council do manage the lights for Suffolk County Council but we have no say about when they turn the lights off (or on).

Now I actually think the dimming of some lights or turning certain streets off is a good idea - as long as local residents can make their views known. Ipswich Borough council will now decide later this month what they will do with the 790 lights we own.

The good thing is that the system that is being used will enable changes to be made with a flick of a switch. If residents are concerned about the lighting in their roads, get in touch and we will chase it up with the County Council.


Today Kevin has accused me of lying about the County planning to turn the street lights off last October:

Maybe this extract from the County Papers last October may make him even admit he is wrong! Don't hold your breath.

Meeting Date: 12 October 2010Lead Councillor/s: Councillor Guy McGregor, Portfolio Holder for Roads, Transport
and Planning
2. All Suffolk residents and visitors.
3. The key issues to consider are:
a) the relationship to the ‘Greenest County’ aspirations. By 2025 Suffolk
aims to achieve a 60% reduction in CO2. The Intelligent Lighting
System Project has the potential to deliver significant street lighting
energy savings and a CO2 reduction of 4,150 tonnes by April 2013,
1. The Cabinet is being asked to:
a) adopt the policy as detailed in Appendix A of this report for the
implementation of part-night lighting and dimming delivered through the
application of an Intelligent Lighting System;

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